Monday 13 March 2023

How to choose the right yellow safety bollard for your facility

 Yellow safety bollards are a common sight in facilities that prioritise safety and accident prevention. These durable and sturdy posts are essential for protecting equipment, pedestrians, and building structures from impact. However, with so many types of bollards available on the market, it can be challenging to determine which one is the right fit for your facility. In this blog, Industrial Safety Barriers will outline some key considerations to help you choose the right safety bollard for your facility.

yellow safety bollards | industrial safety barriers

Determine the Purpose of the Bollard

Before you start shopping for safety bollards, you need to determine what you want them to accomplish. Are you looking for a way to direct traffic or protect building corners and columns? Or, do you need something that can prevent forklifts or other heavy machinery from colliding with valuable equipment or people? Understanding the purpose of the bollards will help you select the right style, size, and material.

Consider the Environment

Another critical factor to consider when deciding the safety bollards is the environment in which they will be installed. Will they be used indoors or outdoors? If they are being installed outdoors, will they be exposed to harsh weather conditions or excessive sunlight? Will they need to withstand impacts from heavy equipment or high-speed vehicles? All of these factors will impact the type of bollard you pick. Furthermore, the Guardrail from Industrial Safety Barriers helps you to protect your walls. 

guardrail | Industrial Safety Brriers

Choose the Right Material

Yellow bollards are available in a range of materials, including steel, concrete, plastic, and rubber. Each material has its benefits and drawbacks. Steel bollards, for example, are incredibly durable and can withstand high-impact collisions. However, they can be prone to rusting if exposed to moisture. Plastic bollards, on the other hand, are lightweight and easy to install, but they may not be as sturdy as steel or concrete.

Select the Right Size and Height

When selecting safety bollards, you will also need to consider their size and height. Bollards that are too short may not provide adequate protection, while those that are too tall may obstruct the view of pedestrians or drivers. Consider the intended purpose of the bollard and the size of the area where it will be installed to determine the appropriate height and size.

Choose a Compliant Bollard

It is crucial to choose a safety bollard that complies with safety regulations and standards. Look for bollards that meet industry standards, which outline the requirements for crash-rated bollards. Compliance with safety standards ensures that your facility is protected from liability issues and that your employees and visitors are safe from harm.


Picking the right yellow safety bollards for your facility requires careful consideration of several factors, including the intended purpose, environment, material, size, and compliance with safety regulations. By taking these factors into account, you can ensure that you select a bollard that provides the necessary protection while also meeting your facility's aesthetic and functional requirements. The members of the Industrial Safety Barriers team are delighted to provide the best safety barrier design and technologies available in Australia.

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